Thu 09 Jan
LAST DAY! $ Avail.Now!*Well Reviewed!* Hot*Ready 2 Give BIG DADDY WHAT he Wants! NEWBIE Friendly! - 26
(Topeka, Topeka, Lawrence, Surrounding Areas)
💖AnnA Lock✨JaW✨Specialist 🌠Be$T BoPP€R I'll BeT oN iT 91three-2oh5-023one - 26
(Topeka, Topeka 24-7✨LaTe NiTe Specialz✨)
$75 speCiAls New in Town*ExCITING & UNFoRGETTaBle ExperiencE w/ REAL EXOTIC __ *ALL NeW - - 27
(Topeka, Topeka and Surrounding areas)
*€ All natural puertorican * fetish friendly * 100 incall * outcall specials travel friendly *€ - 20
(Topeka, topeka,)
Wed 08 Jan
Young sweet sexy and discreet with amazing quick. guy special - 25
(Topeka, Topeka and surrounding area)
(🍒💋785-580-9793🍒💋) 🍒💋Cherry Kissess🍒💋 (💋$80Specials 💋) - 30
(Topeka, topeka, lawrence, and surrounding areas)
★☆Well Worth It★☆SwEeT TrEaT★Total Turn- On☆★☆785-861-9489 - 26
(Lawrence, Topeka, Topeka,Lawrence In/Out call)
🆕pics♡☆nikki banks!!♡☆ ☆♡is 🔙,Wichitas most highly reviewed📃📝8162889666📲📞 - 20
(Central Topeka INCALL ONLY, Topeka)
✨🌃🌉 start your week off right 🌉🌃✨✂cut out the fakes✂💯real&recent; pics☎call waiting...☎. - - 24
(Topeka, Topeka Lawrence Ottawa emporia junction)
⭐ 💋 x:X:x: (SPECIALS) x:X:x The Only One ⭐ You'll Ever Need! x:X:x: (SPECIALS) x:X:x 💋 ⭐ - 26
SEDUCTIVE EYES, gorgeous body, flirty, passionate and playful! - 19
(Lawrence, Manhattan, Salina, Topeka, Wichita, In the city)
💋💎💄Th!cK, m!XeD cUt!E w/ ExoT!c be@uTY & a RounD Booty||$100 !nC@LL & 2/3gir $peC!@L$ 4 KC|| - 22
(Topeka, Topeka & Lawrence ➡OUTCALLS ONLY)
Youve found your Destini!! Ask about my $80 special - 24
(Junction city, Lawrence, Manhattan, Salina, Topeka, Wichita)
.★HiGhLy SkIlLeD ☆*°★°*☆**Aim to Ple@se ☆*°★°*☆** 100% PLEASURE ☆* °★°*☆** 100$ iNC@LL$ - 19 - 19
(Topeka, Topeka, lawrence)
🌈RaiNBOW🌈BRiGHT🌈 BE$T 👀NsiTE Sukking All🍌🍌2nit3 good IN 🏩 beTTA witH H3@d👣SPReaD 620*803*8177 - 26
(Topeka, Topeka✨LaTe NiTe Specialz✨☎CaLL NoW☎)
^^_~EVERYTHING a man wants FRom a Women inside ✨N out Let ME show you what IM bout🍒✔PIC816🌠646🌠5971 - 25
✿ ~*F—A—N—T—A—S—Y ✿ G—I—R—L*~ ✿ ~ Skip the rest, u deserve the BEST!~✿ ;) - 21 - 21
(Topeka, Topeka && Surrounding Areas)
$$ CurVy Crystal ***ALL natural** Legs, Lips, Lipstick $$ 785-408-4752 **INCALL special!! Come relax - 26
(Topeka, Topeka,Lawrence and surrounding areas)
•✿• •✿• •✿• CLASSY •✿• •✿• •✿• LOVELY •✿• •✿••✿• •BEAUTIFUL •✿• •✿••✿•THE ULTIMATE COMPANION •✿•✿•✿• - 30
(Topeka, Topeka Incall)
💨stay hot touch my Spot🍒🍒 take You to ThE 🔝you wont Stop feel the drip drop👅👅 816🌠646🌠5971 - 25
**CaN I BE YouR VALENTINE?? CALL AbouT SpeCiALs** 785.289.3429 - 22
(Topeka, Topeka outcalls & incalls)
Lola Bunny* 100 hh tonight only Newly &Highly; Reviewed* Italian Playmate In/out calls - 21
Sexy Barbie Doll Just flew back into Kansas City, if you'd like to see me I'll be happy to Travel !! - 28
(816-541-6579, Lawrence, Manhattan, Topeka, Wichita)
••★•• S W E E T ••★•• C U T E ••★•• INDEPENDENT ••★•• -B 4 Calling Read Full Ad - 34
(In calls in Topeka, Topeka)
✨anyway🍒U🍒like🌠You'll bust🌠all⭐nite warm N leakin💦inside don't be shy 816⭐646⭐5971 new*pics - 24
(Topeka, Topeka ks)
💋🎲 Highly Sk!ll3d 😜 5 Star 🌟 Experience 🍒🎲 🌟 S!nc3r3 A'Rmonei🍒 ❇ 🌟 785(554)4931 - 22
(Topeka, topeka ks)