Mon 27 Jan
💕💋S⃣N⃣E⃣A⃣K⃣ A⃣W⃣A⃣Y⃣ & P⃣L⃣A⃣Y⃣😈💥 🎠 guαrαntεεd 5🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 pεrformαncε!💣🐯7858615145 - 22
(Topeka, topeka & Lawrence)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
100Hhr Special £ROTIC NOVELT¥ $€XY RAIN.Come C Y They Call Me Rain!$$ - 26
(Topeka, Topeka, Lawrence, Surrounding Areas.In/O)
★☆★☆Dont Worry, Leave HAPPY ★Total Turn- On☆★☆785-861-9489 - 22
(Lawrence, Topeka, Topeka,Lawrence In/Out call)
Married Woman to Show You the Time of Your Life! - 19
(In town, Lawrence, Manhattan, Salina, Topeka, Wichita)
Fri 10 Jan
**Visiting** Vanity6901** (highly reviewed)** I'll be back...March 11-12!!! Book EARLY... - 28
(North Topeka)
🍰💕🎂💕 Lets Have Dessert Together 🍥👅🎂 Frost My Cakes and Take a Bite 👅🌹🍥 Sweet Moist 💖🎂 - 33
(Topeka, Topeka- In calls)
Alluring Exotic "Andrea Davis" Visiting June 27th-28th! Pre-Book Now! Nationally Reviewed! - 27
(Topeka, P*4*1*1 & E*C*C*I*E)
Thu 09 Jan
♥$100 specials ..♥♡ HoLLy MaRie.. **$pEciAL$** cALL.. 785.289.3429 (Junction City) - 22
(Manhattan, JC ...manhattan..wamego. (OUTCALLS only))
100/HhrSpecialty Erotic Experience with RAIN.Haven't Played In The Rain Yet?Don't Miss Out Call Now! - 26
(Topeka, Topeka, Lawrence,KC,Junction, Manhatten)
OutcallS- New PICS 785-506-4509 😘👈 ☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G!!! ♥╠╣ot!! ♥1000% REAL💋 ρlaymatε 💎 🍹�👑 - 20
(Topeka, Topeka Surrounding areas)
$75 speCiAls New in Town*ExCITING & UNFoRGETTaBle ExperiencE w/ REAL EXOTIC __ *ALL NeW - - 27
(Topeka, Topeka and Surrounding areas)
Wed 08 Jan
✿ ❤ A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ❤ E▓ L▓ E ▓ G▓ A ▓ N▓ C ▓ E ❤ ✿ - 21
(Topeka, Topeka && Surrounding Areas/24-7)
★ ☆ MY BODY ★ IS YOUR ☆ ( ( ( ••► P L A Y G R O U N D ◄•• ) ) )★ ☆ HuRRy (¯`'•.¸; * CLICK ME* - 22
Classy & Nice..I'm youR faVor!te Spice...FuN $!z3 & fuLL of L!f3||ROYAL$ $PeC!@L$|| 💋💍🍒 - 19
(Topeka, Topeka & Lawerence areas)
Tue 07 Jan